Scripture (John 3:16) “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
The Greek word for love is agape; the term agape was used to refer to the self-sacrificing love of God for humanity. (John 3:16) says “for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” God looked beyond our faults and saw our need; his deep love and affection for his creation cause him to offer up his son. Jesus Christ was the ultimate love covering he covered a multitude of sins by shedding his blood on the cross teaching us that we too must have love and affection for one other. When I think about this scripture I think about the compassion of God. How many of us would have given up our only son to be beaten, spit upon mocked and nailed to a cross for mankind. God’s love proved that we mattered to him and that he had a plan for our lives. God’s plan was to redeem us from sin, and give us the Gift of eternal life.
When Christ shed his blood on that cross the bible says the vail was rent, we can now come boldly to the thrown and make our request know unto God. I ask you what kind of God we serve. A good God, a loving God, a just God a God that wants to
give us our heart desire? The bible says in the book of (Romans 8:32) He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things. God wants to bless us; though is son Christ Jesus he wants to supply our every need according to his riches and glory there is no good thing, he will withhold form those that walk up right before him. (1 John 4:19) says we love because he first loved us. This scripture is giving us instructions, it is telling us to love why because he first loved us. The more you walk with God the more his resurrecting power of love will overtake you. You will learn to love when you have been wronged you will continue to love when you don’t understand what he is doing in your life, you will love as he loves us. I don’t know what you might be going through this afternoon; however, I am here to let you know that we serve a God that never fails. All though out scripture we see God’s love for his people, in the book of (Exodus 14:21) God parted the red sea so that the children of Israel could escape King Pharaoh and his men from destruction. In the book of (Daniel the 6:16) God closed the mouth of a Lion that wanted to eat Daniel because he failed to bow to King Nebuchadnezzar, and in the book of (Jonah 3:5) God spared a whole city because they repented from their wicked ways put on sackcloth and cried out to God, with Fasting and praying. The love of God will cause you to live a holy life. God’s love is so powerful, you can’t get around it. The love of God will cause you to trust him when you cannot trace him. God’s love continues to be proven time and time again all throughout the bible.
We can put our faith in him knowing that he will never leave nor for sake us.
Trust in God’s love, a love you can depend on.